Hush baby, don’t let anymore stupid escape. Entry for 1/3/15


I think my brain melted earlier when I was cutting my toe nails and trying to do some simple math. Somehow with my new DSLR I managed to take 3000 photos…But of what?! … I apparently found a clump of wet cat fur so mind blowing I spent close to 60 photos on the subject – What was I thinking?!

Thank god this isn’t film.

The next week or two? I will be doing 5-A-Day posts of Photography. Sorry watchers, I wanna get this crap outta the way.
Might change my layout too.

Thanks for readin,

-Bad touch Bear

Worship me dammit!


I now see the appeal of having a photo only blog where people just favorite things and go their way. My ego has leveled up +2, have you seen my nose?

Its grown to such a proportion that – (Insert perverse joke that didn’t get typed cause my face got red.)

I even kind of understand why some bloggers post photos of someone else’s work..No not really. I do it as a showcase occasionally, but host my own opinions…The blogs I visited under the tag ‘photography’ a couple people were just posting photos taken by a variety of different people. I don’t know why I’m complaining about it, I think I categorized it under minor art theft? Yet they included the artist’s names in the titles…Mneh.


You poor suckers will have to deal with a 5 post a-day deal till I run out of photos from my ’50 sunsets/sunrise’ project. I was going to say something else but Bear just decided to stick his face in my cup and I wasn’t done with my drink.

I should go to bed when my eyes get blurry right?
-Bad touch bear

What time is it?!


Ugh – I’m still editing. Its down to 88 now but I never configured my point and shoot so the dates and times are actually off. AM can be PM and I know its was a day ahead….Only problem is I can’t remember when I fixed the date/time. I can tell what shots are sunrise and which are sunset is by the location of the sunlight in the photo.


Blah, right now all I have on my mind is sculpting and the current photography 101 topic – Mystery…And I have to pee.


Not uploading anymore atm,

Bad touch bear

A rumbling in my creative tummy


In preparation for picking a new photography subject, I probably will be ghosting this site for the next three days unless I suddenly get the urge to post a dear diary. Until then, thank you to anyone who has favorit’d my entries/photography. I plan to visit each and every watcher/ people who favorited my stuff; I need to pull my head out of the sand and take a better look at what is going on in the world.

I’d like to do another showcase at some point too; yet looking at blogs thoroughly takes time.

ALSO please participate in this poll,

I have a feeling I just picked what I want to do without the poll, but its always nice to receive feedback when searching for some.
-Bad touch bear